Common Mistake--Inversion 倒裝句
今天想分享我發現無論初小還是DSE學生都常犯的grammar錯誤--- inversion。 倒裝句是指把一般 S V O =1 2 3 的次序換成 V S O,即是1 2 3 這變成 2 1 3,最常見的用法是在問題上,例如:
1. I can swim. => Can I swim? 1 2 3 2 1 3 2. [Peter] [bought] [a new book]. => Did Peter buy a new book? 1 2 3 2 1 3
當statement的verb是auxiliary verb,如be, can, could, should, will, 等,就把整個verb調前,如例子1,如不是,則需把auxiliary do放在1的位置,並跟據tense同subject conjugate,正如例子2。
初小最常見的問題有數個,例如, 1. Did Peter bought a new book?/ Does Peter buys a new book?/ Do Peter buys a new book? 即是沒有conjugate auxiliary verb ,或conjugate了兩次,此情況大多是不小心,只要多加提醒小朋友前面轉左後面就不用就可以了。 第二是verb type的問題,很多小朋友有慨念問題要轉次序,但卻分不清auxiliary 同普通verb的分別,這些小朋友通常以can could shall should will would 沒有問題,但be 和do則會混淆,這情況由小一至小四都十分常見,例如會寫成 "Is she go to the park?",這跟廣東話用法十分相似,例如."佢係唔係去左公園?",因為 "be"同"係"的意思相近,所以小朋友會這樣寫問題,以下的方法我跟數名學生試過,普遍都有改善,首先要令小朋友分清 be-verb同do-verb,我這樣分類小朋友較易理解,"be"的朋友只有 is am are was were,其他所有都是do的朋友,如walk, talk, jump speak, eat等。(如學校已教present perfect的小朋友要小心,have has也是auxiliary,但以個人經驗已學present perfect的學生通常沒有這個問題)。學校還沒有教present perfect的小朋友,"have"對他們來說只有"擁有"的意思,所以歸類do-verb。所以: Be-verb I am tired. => Am I tired? She was sick. => Was she sick? She is going to school. => Is she going to school? Do-verb She has a sister. => Does she have a sister? Helen played at school. => Did Helen play at school? 這樣小朋友應該容易理解,練習方面,應著眼 positive, negative和question的關係作練習。例如: +ve She went to school. -ve She did not go to school. ? Did she go to school? +ve Thomas loves eating apples. -ve ? 只給小朋友其一,另外兩個需要自己思考。以我個人經驗,這對小朋友十分有幫助。 較複雜的用法包括: 1. Adverbial phrases/negative adverbs
HardlyHardly had I got into bed when the telephone rang.
NeverNever had she seen such a beautiful sight before.
SeldomSeldom do we see such an amazing display of dance.
RarelyRarely will you hear such beautiful music.
Only thenOnly then did I understand why the tragedy had happened.
Not only ... butNot only does he love chocolate and sweets but he also smokes.
2.conditionals with 'had' 'were' and 'should'
Normal conditional: If I had been there, this problem wouldn't have happened.
Conditional with inversion: Had I been there, this problem wouldn't have happened.
3. an adverbial expression of place eg. The sun came out and dried up all the rain.=> Out came the sun and dried up all the rain. The children walked up the hill. => Up the hill ran the children.
4. after 'so + adjective...that': eg. The food was so delicious that we ate every last bite. => So delicious was the food that we ate every last bite.
其中大人和高中常犯的錯是以下這個(名校高中生和大學生也會錯,必須注意!): "What was I thinking was whether she was telling the truth." 這明明是statement,很多學生卻被question word "what"誤導了,最簡單直接就是要記住,只有問題和上述的用法才需要inversion.上面例子用full stop,不是問題,只需寫 ""What I was thinking was whether she was telling the truth.",像普通statement便可,不要被question word打亂陣腳。 最後,如果英文底子好DSE要用inversion作文,加一兩句便可,底子不好或沒有信心的,還是先做好grammar和組織上的工夫,以免自亂陣腳,如果底子不好卻硬用inversion,考官一看就看出了。 希望這次分享對大家有用!