Common Mistake--Inversion 倒裝句
今天想分享我發現無論初小還是DSE學生都常犯的grammar錯誤--- inversion。 倒裝句是指把一般 S V O =1 2 3 的次序換成 V S O,即是1 2 3 這變成 2 1 3,最常見的用法是在問題上,例如: 1. I can swim. => Can...
Useful English Phrases 2
We are going to talk some more about English phrases. We have a few oral phrases as well as a prepositional phrase. Hopefully, this will...
Useful English Phrases 1
Today, I would like to share some everyday English phrases that are not widely used in Hong Kong but can be useful for enriching your...
My Journey of Teaching and Learning
Although this may sound like a cliché, it is true that I feel like every time I teach, I am growing a little bit, especially emotionally....
Gaming: an insight
I have never been a gamer. Of course, I played Candy Crush for a couple of weeks when it was first launched. Everyone was obsessed then....